Finally, a training tool the keeps delegates awake during your training sessions
What is Mesiters & Monsters: A Recruiters Quest?
Over the past decade we have been training groups of recruiters and have seen what all day training looking at slides does:
Those days dreading the after-lunch to 6PM stretch are over!
Meisters & Monsters: A Recruiter's Quest, is a unique table-top recruitment training tool that allows learning and development facilitators or recruitment managers to run on the spot training sessions, or all day, multi-day sessions in a fun, fantasy themed environment.
Professional Learning and Development Training Tools:
Designed for 2 to 6 or more players
The game contains many components allowing for dozens of shorter training games as well as for engaging game play.
Playing mats
Our board games are printed on high quality water resistant materials. Our boards are all printed on fabric for easy storage.
Get the Game Mat and the Card Manager Mat when you order your copy of the game!
Hundreds of cards
Thousands of possibilities. We have packed the game full of training events, learning moments, and discussion points in the form of high-quality cards.
As many CV's
As grains of sand on a beach. Hundreds of CV's for each of the different types of heroes in the game, dozens for each rank of hero!
Event Cards: This Interview Event card simulates actual moments that Recruiters will experience. How do you prepare for interviews with your candidate? What should you be aware of? Things like this!
Event Cards: Of the hundreds of Event cards included in the game, ones like this test your recruiters knowledge of company policy and the right procedure to follow. How would you handle this situation?
Training guides
Each copy of the game ships with a Facilitators Guide, Six Player Journals, a Realm Leaders Guide, and a Story Guide.
Additional copies of the Players Journal are available online.
Meisters and Monsters - a Recruiters Quest features focused training, team building, in-game and out-of-game learning, and fun interactive elements.
One of the advanced features of the game (included at purchase) is issuing certificates to players after they have completed training through the Full game.
This is a nice way to close the loop on a program and have a bit of fun with nicknames or titles earned in the game.